4 Things You Nobody will say About Hair Loss
This article is aimed at people who are experiencing premature thinning hair, our hair helps us define who we are and losing is hard to take. The good news is that there is fortunately something to limit hair loss. The first step is to educate yourself and select a strategy that will help to regenerate your hair, this article will reveal a few things about hair loss you may not know.
Nobody wants to lose their hair, no matter if woman or man. Finding the drain full of hair after bathing can be a shock, it is completely normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs per day. Here's an easy way to know if your hair is getting thin, you can use the "tug test" Using the thumb and index finger, hold about 20 hairs, now slow jálalos and firmly, if you remove more than 7 then you can be sure that this thinning.
This problem usually affects the elderly, experts estimate that 50% of men and 25% of women are hair thin out some time in their lives. Hair loss usually affects adults, there are even cases in which adolescents begin to experience premature hair thinning.
How to be that teenagers begin to experience thinning hair?
There can be many reasons, this may be consuming drugs or chemotherapy, others simply wear hairstyles that pull the hair much like braids. The good news is that once you find and correct the cause of the problem, the hair grows back.
Here I show you 4 misconceptions regarding hair loss to be clarified:
A prevailing myth on the Internet suggests that you can encourage and help grow hair brushing it 100 times. day. This is false! In fact it can cause even more damage.
Wigs and hats do not damage the hair. Having said that, if they can damage hair only if they are too tight, just use common sense and you can use them safely.
Although the first evidence that your hair is thinning can see it while bathing, washing hair frequently is not the cause of hair loss. Most hair that looked into the drain is hair that has already fallen before we swim.
Shampoo and conditioners that contain proteins help to grow the hair and keep it nourished. False, these products only reach the surface making it more thick and soft.
An additional tip, try to avoid as much as possible to get chemical treatments hairstyles, with the passage of time this can cause the hair to lose strength and eventually fall.
I hope you enjoyed the article, Have a Great Day
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