Hair Loss: 5 Lies Revealed
Natural aging can mean hair loss and getting gray hair, but excessive exposure to things like the sun, crash dieting, hair extensions and exposure to chemical treatments, can cause serious damage to the health of our hair says hair expert Dr. Alan Bauman of Bauman Medical Group in Florida.
Between 40 to 50 percent of both men and women will suffer from hair loss at 50 years, while the number of hair transplants have risen by 42 percent since 2007, according to the International Society of Surgery Hair Restoration.
Likewise, the sale of products such as minoxidil was increased in recent decades.
But along with the facts are also myths. For years, people have believed in stories about growth and hair loss. Bauman says he's heard everything from blaming the mother, causing baldness hats and even myths about dead follicles can regrow your hair shiny and healthy.
1 - Overexposure to the sun causes hair loss
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause skin problems such as accelerated aging and cancer, but it will not disrupt the function of the hair follicle, says expert Dr. Alan Bauman of Bauman Medical Group in Florida. However, excessive exposure of the hair fibers to UV radiation can actually weaken the fibers, weakening the cuticle and make the hair more prone to dullness, frizz and breakage.
2 - Get a gray hair and two grow back
The good news is that gray hair pulling we ensure that they do not grow. The bad news is that hair does not grow back.
3 - Too much shampoo can make you lose hair
Each day 100 to 200 hairs shed and these hair follicles are replaced with hair follicles that enter the growth phase. This process is repeated no matter how many times you wash your hair.
4 - Headstands can make hair grow
It may sound funny, but this is a common myth heard. Bauman says that hair loss is a problem of blood flow, but can also be caused by other factors such as age and genetics. "Although the increased blood flow helps the growth of hair, can not stay in that position long enough to have an effect on hair follicles time," says Bauman.
5 - The alopecia is linked to old age
Male and female hair loss becomes more common as we age. Yet another type of hair loss called alopecia areata is common in children and young adults, and may result in total baldness.

Recovering Hair And Improve Self-Esteem
Lost hair is now a real possibility based on technological and scientific development, as well as observation and daily practice of certain natural strategies that can regenerate hair and regrow.
For many men and women hair recovery is part of achieving a healthy self-esteem, but although many other people who suffer from baldness have a great concept of themselves and not complexed in any environment by this.
Hair loss is a natural process that involves a recurring cycle for each hair from birth, growth, maturation and loss. However, this process may increase without limit because of the influence of genetic and organic factors.
The specific problem of hair loss is medically known by the name of Alopecia and two well distinguished classes:
Androgenetic Alopecia:
It is that which is produced by the combination of organic factors and genetically inherited by a dominant gene. Although this process begins to manifest from early twenties men especially, is due to the binding of testosterone hormone present and produced in male testicles with a protein in the skin known as the penta-alpha-reductasa.Una once testosterone binds to this protein derivative known as dihydrotestosterone, which affects the hair and hair production especially in areas such as the crown and front of the head initially produced prominent front entrances and progressive thinning of hair loss occurs and then total hair in these parts.
This progressive thinning and complete loss of hair is due to dihydrotestosterone off nucleotides are organic molecules in linear sequence the DNA of hair cells producing atrophy and death of hair.
In women this condition is called Androgenic Alopecia and is scarcer than in men because it requires that there is an imbalance between male and female hormones to a high standard of the first as testosterone, androsterone and others.
Fortunately at this time scientific advances have been enormous and baldness today is no longer irreversible to become a voluntary choice problem. It is at this time that is bald wants, whether man or woman, if we talk about Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common form of baldness or hair loss.
Alopecia Areata:
This type of baldness is less common genetic and usually occurs in areas of the scalp in a disorderly way. Sometimes sideways or in the parietal part as kind of patches of skin, making it unsightly and does not follow a sequential order count as losing hair in androgenetic alopecia.
From Alopecia Areata causes are unknown but is thought to be an autoimmune disease because the body's immune system itself mistakenly attacks healthy tissue and capillary disorderly destroys hair producing cells.
Alopecia Areata is ageless and attacks equally to children, women and men. And scalp can also occur in men's beard, eyebrows, arms or legs.
Alopecia Areata is usually caused by a disease, pregnancy or organic trauma. This causes the symptoms to be treated just appear corrective form.
For the case of Alopecia Areata treatment using physician and is completely blocks:
topical corticosteroids
Steroid injection under the skin surface
minoxidil topical
Ultraviolet light therapy
topical immunotherapy
For purposes of this article we will concentrate more on explaining and remedying Androgenetic Alopecia is the kind of hair loss that occurs most often in men and with different name in some women, because for this kind of condition can alternate both medical treatments as some natural with great effectiveness.
As I said earlier baldness or androgenetic alopecia is caused by the combination of testosterone and penta-alpha-reductase protein in human skin which in turn produce dihydrotestosterone derivative off the DNA from cells of hair adelgazándolo first and then producing the progressive deterioration of existing hair until completely atrophy hair follicles thereby producing permanent baldness or total alopecia.
But also in this process involves other external agents that accelerate the action of dihydrotestosterone in the hair cells and are produced by eating wrong foods, especially the consumption of saturated fats, flour, alcohol, excess carbohydrates, red meat, meats and low-protein, natural liquids, fruits and vegetables.
This does not mean that simply correcting poor eating habits can counteract hair loss in any case once started the process will continue indefinitely until such a chemical or natural treatment to stop their advance is made.
Androgenetic alopecia is a process or progress, and can be diagnosed by age and regular diet of people in the initial state, intermediate or advanced, resulting in different treatment for each case.
In the initial state thinning hair on the crown, front of the head and the appearance of small entries in the front it shows.
Then the intermediate state clearly noticeable on the crown and the frotal of the head and the tickets are very pronounced.
In the final state the forehead, crown and front of the head are completely depopulated hair or bald hair leaving only the sides of the head and the back.
As treatments for Androgenetic Alopecia refers to chemical level there are several topical products or supply the body orally. The main are:
Minoxidil is used externally as a daily hair lotion.
Finasteride: used in tablets with a daily frequency or interday but estricatmente use must be controlled and monitored by the doctor.
Ketoconazole, which is also used as a hair lotion external application such as minoxidil and effects very similar to this.
Although chemicals recorded very effective in some people, their continued use depends on the clinical condition of the patient and must be supervised by a doctor, because side effects as impotence, libido and diminution of the volume of ejaculate may occur in men, especially those products consumed orally.
Natural treatments for its part help detoxify the scalp and have high level of effectiveness in the level of growth and regeneration, without the side effects that can cause medications or lotions.
Now, what are the effects of hair loss or baldness in people's self-esteem?
How we said earlier depends on the personality of each one, as there are individuals who could care less about the effect it has on your image and hair loss while in others the need to correct the defect develops. However it is always better to have hair that does not have it and protect the scalp from impact, pollution and attack elements: sunlight, water and air.
Moreover the scalp of balding people will degenerate faster than people with hair either little or a lot. And people with baldness Seniors large patches on your scalp are observed, as well as freckles and moles, a result of the defense of the skin against the effects of weather and the use of soaps or chemical hair cleansing.
We can say this that restore hair but certainly works for a more aesthetic image and increases self-esteem, because all people regain hair experience without exception greater security and confidence, is primarily a health issue and scalping is not made to withstand the effects of air, light, water, chemicals, shock and gradual pollution afflicting the planet.
Implants on the other hand are very effective though certainly of a problem free surgery, are very expensive and are not affordable for most budgets. On the other hand if the organism is resistant to the implant allergic reactions are very annoying and can cause permanent effects on the skin of the scalp.
Wigs are simply dismiss them as external solutions that do not help to regain lost hair and demanding high care and observation in use to avoid embarrassing incidents to totally unexpected.

10 Natural Ways To Have A More Thick Hair
Hair loss is a common problem today. Some of the causes of thinning hair are excessive physical or emotional stress, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, use of wrong hair products, poor hair care routine, hereditary, pollution, etc..
The hair is considered as an asset that enhances the physical appearance of a person, the problem of baldness or thinning hair can make anyone look for ways to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.
Here are the top 10 ways to get thicker hair naturally
If you are suffering from thinning hair is no need to spend money on expensive treatments and products, as there are many natural ways to improve hair thickness. These natural remedies have no side effects and can be easily made at home.
1. Egg
Regular treatment with protein is essential to enjoy a stronger and thicker hair. For a protein hair treatment with the best ingredient to use is the egg.
Take one or two eggs according to the length of his hair and beat him. Now apply this egg to your damp hair and let sit for five to ten minutes. Finally, wash the hair with warm water and your favorite shampoo.
You can do this protein treatment three to four times a week. Another option is to mix an egg yolk with a tablespoon of any type of hair oil and two tablespoons of water. Use this mixture to massage your scalp. Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy thicker hair.
February. Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek or fenugreek seeds can also be used to prevent hair loss and to enjoy better hair growth. Take two or three seeds of fenugreek and soak them in water for eight to ten hours.
After that make a fine paste of fenugreek seeds soaked and applied to the hair and scalp and let sit for half an hour before washing the hair properly with warm water.
When this is done regularly, this remedy will prevent dry scalp and this will help you enjoy thicker hair. Alternatively, rinsing the hair with water fenugreek seeds were soaked overnight. This will promote hair growth and help you get rid of dandruff.
Three. Aloe Vera
Another popular ingredient that can be used is aloe vera. Remove the gel from one or two leaves of aloe vera and rub the gel into the scalp and let sit for half an hour before rinsing the hair with warm water.
Another option is to mix aloe vera gel with an egg and a little brandy. Apply this mixture on the scalp and after ten or fifteen minutes wash your hair. Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy a thicker and healthier hair.
At the same time, you can also eat a tablespoon of aloe vera juice, a day on an empty stomach to enjoy better hair growth.
April. Gooseberry Indian
It is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and exfoliating properties present in the Indian gooseberry can really help maintain a healthy scalp and have a better rate of hair growth.
Take a tablespoon of dried currants and boil two tablespoons of coconut oil, drain the oil and use it to massage the scalp before bed. Then the next morning use your shampoo as usual.
Another option is to boil dry Indian gooseberry or Indian gooseberry powder in water and leave the water overnight. You can use this water to rinse your hair. You can also take the Indian prickly currant fruit and its extract as a food supplement for hair health.
May. Avocado
Avocado can also be used for thicker hair. Make a mixture of mashed avocado and banana and use it to massage your scalp. Leave the mixture on your hair for half an hour so that the nutrients present in the mixture to be absorbed by the scalp.
Should wash the hair with shampoo and apply a conditioner. Once your hair becomes dry will see healthier and thicker. You can also make a moisturizing hair mask at home by adding two tablespoons of olive oil for half a mashed ripe avocado.
Apply this mask on freshly shampooed hair and let sit for about twenty minutes. Finally rinse the hair and vent outdoors.
6. Orange Juice
Orange can be used to get rid of dandruff and enjoy thicker hair. Take orange peel and mash to a paste. Use this paste on your hair once a week to promote hair growth.
Another option is to mix the same amount of orange juice and applesauce and then apply this mixture on your hair.
After half an hour wash the hair with water. Follow this remedy once a week and you will soon have the longer and thicker hair. You can also make a mixture by adding an equal amount of orange juice and olive oil and a little heat. Apply this mixture on the hair and leave for half an hour and then wash the hair with water.
7. Olive
Olive oil can also soften and strengthen the hair. Massage the scalp for half an hour with olive oil before going to the bathroom is a good choice for a natural thicker hair.
Finally the oil in your hair thoroughly should rinse with a mild shampoo. For best results you can apply olive oil on your hair before going to bed and wash your hair the next morning.
Another option is to mix olive oil with a little honey and then apply the mixture on your hair, leave for half an hour and finally wash the hair.
8. Coconut oil
Massage the scalp regularly with pure coconut oil is one of the easiest ways to get thicker hair naturally. For best results, warm the coconut oil and only use it to massage your head and scalp. Always use your fingers to massage the scalp in circular movements.
This will help improve the circulation of blood is essential for promoting hair growth. Once you have applied the oil, cover the hair with a towel dampened with warm water.
Let stand half an hour and then wash hair as usual. Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy a bright and bushy hair.
9. Henna Leaves
Another easy way to get thicker hair naturally is the application of henna. The henna leaves will give your hair a natural color and will make it look thicker and softer. You can take fresh henna leaves and grind them with little water to make a thin paste and let stand for two hours.
Then apply this paste on your hair and cover your hair with a shower cap. After three hours washing the hair properly and apply some conditioner. Another option is to enjoy henna powder in water overnight.
In the morning, add a raw egg and a little lemon juice to the mixture and apply it to your hair. This hair mask will promote hair growth.
10. Flaxseed
The fatty acids present in flaxseed may also help get thicker hair naturally. Take three tablespoons of flaxseed and put them in a bowl of water for about five days.
After five days, with the aid of a cotton ball apply the solution directly to the scalp. After ten minutes you should rinse with warm water. This soft organic treatment will give you thicker hair in few days.
Even eating freshly ground flax seeds can lead to a bright and thicker hair.

The Best Herbal Anti Hair Fall
Did you know that herbal remedies can promote hair growth? Nowadays almost everyone understands the importance of following a healthy diet and eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. One thing that is often overlooked in the midst of all this talk about healthy eating, but it is a strong relationship between hair loss and maintenance. Many people do not realize the importance of a healthy diet for a strong and healthy head of hair, but the truth is that good nutrition is essential to keep all parts of the body, including the hair and scalp healthy and vibrant .
The fact that the hair is nourished from the inside is one of those things that many of us learned in school, but when it comes to understanding the relationship between hair loss and food, it seems many of us have forgotten what they learned. Instead of slathering the scalp and hair with all sorts of creams and other topical treatments, it may be better to just eat a good diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods.
Herbs for Alopecia can improve circulation and help stimulate hair growth. There are many herbs available for this and many that are highly recommended. Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea also help grow hair. One of the causes of hair loss can be an itchy scalp. Adding chamomile or catnip for a final rinse hair can relieve itching caused some hair loss. Prevention may be the key to hair loss and licorice extract is known to prevent hair loss.
Hair is a song called keratin protein. This keratin is really dead, but is part of life, just below the scalp. This is called follicle. A small group of living cells, is at the base of the follicle, called the papilla. Although the hair is dead, the hair follicle is nourished by the blood and that is why many consider a healthy person has healthy hair. It is true that common diseases and ailments such as anemia can cause hair loss. Caring for your body is the first place to start when you want healthy hair.
Many people use horse shampoo in her hair. Why is this? Many horse shampoo containing silica, which maintains the shiny, smooth and most importantly, strong hair. Stronger is the ultimate hair with shampoo and silica apt will also prevent hair loss. To stimulate hair growth again have to increase blood circulation in the scalp. Massaging the scalp will, but if rosemary, stinging nettle or adds not only fight dandruff but also helps to disinfect the scalp while stimulating hair growth.
Ever heard of the Chinese herb also known as a miracle cure hair restoration? One study found that when bald men eat 3-9 grams of seeds of Psoralea newspaper that within six months, his hair was completely restored in more than 35% of balding men test. Another 30% was observed significant growth. The Chinese believe that hair gains the support of the blood, so to continue to have healthy hair, you must first take care of the kidneys and liver. Fleece flower root, mulberry fruit, wolfberry fruit and are used by the Chinese to ensure a healthy kidney and liver.
Another natural remedy for hair that has been known to help with hair is fish oil restoration. Rubbing fish oil on the scalp can not hurt, since it also stimulates the scalp, but no evidence that fish oil has been restored baldness. However, the researchers found that soy intake may have occurred possibly prevent baldness.

Homemade Tips for Hair Fall
A beautiful hair has always been the aspiration of us women and even men. However, keep healthy and hearty into old age is not easy. There are many factors that can cause the steady decline of our hair such as a poor diet, heredity, after pregnancy, stress, treatments for certain diseases.
Well, we recommended the following home tips for hair loss, we exploit the benefits of medicinal plants as these will contribute to our vitality and strength preventing hair fall.
Mask from the leaves of weeping willow:
1 liter of water
60 grams of leaves of weeping willow
Preparation: Cook the leaves with water for about 15 minutes, let rest and cool, then apply it on our scalp leaving it on for about 30 minutes, then wash as usual.
This mask is ideal for stop hair loss naturally. The properties of the leaves of weeping willow, help strengthen the hair from root to tip and prevents premature fall of the same. This treatment should be performed periodically every 3 months and rest 1.
Mask with watercress:
1 handful of watercress leaves
50 milliliters alcohol
Preparation: Blend watercress and mix its juice with alcohol. Strain and store in a container with screw cap. Apply daily on hair roots with the help of a gentle massage.
Mask with ginger:
1 tablespoon grated ginger
1 tablespoon water
Preparation: Mix the grated ginger with water to a paste which is applied directly on the area that shows more hair loss. The massage should be circulated for about three minutes. Half an hour after application, wash the area. Ginger improves blood circulation and revitalizes the hair root.
Lotion apple and vegetables: boiling fresh lettuce and use the resulting water to form a mixture with natural apple juice. Place this mixture throughout the hair with small massage and leave for 10 minutes to take effect. Repeat this daily.
Rinse coconut and carrot: Making the carrot juice and add the same amount of coconut milk. Place it on your hair, leave on for 15 minutes and rinse.
Apply castor oil on the scalp with your fingertips, making circular movements, we must do this before bed and the next day wash as usual.
We take 100 grams of fresh nettle, the crush and then put them on a canvas to get the juice, then apply our scalp massaging gently juice, especially in areas where more hair loss occurs, leave on for 15 minutes and then wash as usual.
Our hair is a vital part of our personal appearance, so we give it the importance it deserves, treat and care for every day looks more beautiful, healthy with strength and vitality.

15 Myths About Hair Fall
Everyone has a favorite myth about hair care and generally do not want the truth we break our myths! This article discusses the most popular myths about hair loss.
1. Excess Wash hair causes hair loss
FALSE: Frequency of washing does not harm hair. Wash your hair as often as you like, although it is recommended to do it three times a week. Use the shampoo suitable for your hair type and texture to brighten, and moisturize body.
Two. More shampoo = cleaner hair
FALSE: Do not waste your shampoo! A portion of shampoo, about the size of a dime is usually enough for long hair.
March. Conditioner helps repair split ends
FALSE: No conditioner can "repair" damaged hair. What it can do is smooth the hair cuticle and make it appear to be in better condition. A good conditioner can also prevent damage from occurring in the first place.
4. The hairdryer helps hair loss
FALSE: The dryer can damage, burn or dry hair, which can cause some hair loss, but the hair will grow back immediately. No results in permanent hair loss.
May. Sleeping with wet hair can bring fungal scalp
FALSE: related to fungus diseases can be caused by not sleeping with wet hair. This occurs due to infections and occur mostly in children, who have lower defenses and are more susceptible to skin infections.
6. To make your hair grow planed must pass 100 per day.
FALSE: If you brush your hair a lot can damage the hair cuticle. NOT recommended! Actually, your hair reacts better to a comb than a brush.
7. Sharing combs and brushes can spread scalp diseases
TRUE: Lice and other parasites can be transported from scalp through the sharing of combs, brushes and other hair care tools.
8. Cutting hair makes it grow faster and / or stronger
FALSE: This common misconception comes from the fact that hair is thicker at the base than it is at the tip, so shorter hair appears more and more to be shorter. Cutting hair does not affect its biological process of growth or texture.
9. Tincture can cause hair loss
FALSE: Most hair coloring products contain chemicals that can damage your hair if not used correctly, but they do not cause hair loss.
10. Products for hairdressing hair are identical to supermarket products
FALSE: Although there are exceptions, hairdressing products are generally of higher quality. Contain more expensive ingredients and are designed to provide a more intense cleaning, increased hydration and better results. The quality of the ingredients found in the products of hairdressers are not usually found in the supermarket brands. If in doubt - read the labels.
11. The long sun exposure promotes hair loss
FALSE: Your hair acts as a shield against the sun. Hair loss appears at the follicle, which is in a deeper layer of the skin which is the dermis. That the sun would penetrate the depth to do harm.
12. The diet is related to hair loss
TRUE: It is important to eat well to stay healthy in general. However, no food has proven to be beneficial or harmful to the hair.
13. The stress causes hair loss
TRUE: Severe stress (eg surgery, childbirth, or a death in the family), can shut down hair production, causing temporary hair loss (alopecia areata).
14. Use tight braids, ponytails or hair is causing baldness.
TRUE: Traction alopecia is true is quite common among older African-American women. It is the result of wearing braids and ponytails of hair too tight for long periods of time. To avoid this potential problem, you should opt for more flexible styles that minimize scalp tension.
15. Smoking causes gray hair
TRUE: According to JG Mosley of the Leigh Infirmary in Lancashire, England, in an article in Science News (January 11, 1997), smokers are 4 times more likely to have gray hair than nonsmokers. Worse, snuff consumption has been linked conclusively to the way hair loss.
You've heard another myth about hair loss? Do your research - Ask the Experts! This does not include your grandmother, best friend or neighbor. Talk to an expert or a hairdresser!

Hair Loss In Women Causes And Treatments
Women sometimes are judged by their appearance and maybe that's why her hair is very important to them.
Yup! It is true that hair for women is a gem and perhaps one of the features that a man looking at a woman.
In this world crowded and polluted in which we live now, there are several factors that cause hair loss in women, also have to consider the condition that is hair like split ends, dry, brittle hair and the most terrible thing of all is female baldness.
All these problems can be caused by the environment, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of hair care and genetics.
Hair Loss in Women
Today, the most common problem that women face hair is thinning hair and hair loss.
The type of alopecia or hair loss usually experienced by women is androgenic alopecia, commonly known as hair loss female pattern.
But since there are a lot of problems, solutions are also there. Today, you can find several treatment centers hair loss programs offering treatment for hair loss problems for both men and women.
These clinics make use of the latest techniques to eliminate the problem in the best way possible. Not solve the problem with traditional surgical methods so one may notice that hair loss is reduced quickly.
Full treatments provided by these clinics are well managed by professional team of experts and medical hair, they have a lot of knowledge in solving the problems of hair loss. Apart from this, these clinics also offer financing solutions for those who do not have enough money for treatment.
In addition to treatment, these clinics also provide essential information on hair loss through their websites on the problems of hair loss, so you can read these issues and adapt the necessary things to stop hair loss.
So if you really want to get rid of their problems hair loss and looking for the best treatment for the longest and shiny hair, then do not waste time and do not let the problem grow more, just go to Internet search a reliable clinical treatment and professional hair.